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About us

Qui som?

EssLight is a new company willing to reduce the cost and wasted money and energy both present at the same time, therefore unnoticed by the vast majority of populations. In summary our idea is a system of energy efficiency for public lighting that adapts to the real need.

Everything arises a contest proposed by TecnoCampus Mataro (Weekend Challenge), where for 3 days we were working on a business idea. Our idea resolved yet wanted the problem of inefficient light, and after many laps, the project began to take shape. There is currently similar to that but it all started there.


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Xavier Espriu, Cofundador i CEO.

Tècnic superior  en imatge 3Dimensions i Màster en creació de videojocs per la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Actualment, cursant el grau en Ciències de l'Activitat Física i de l'Esport a l’Escola Superior de Ciències de la Salut en el centre Tecnocampus de Mataró.



Marc Triadó, Cofundador i Manager General.

Enginyer Tècnic Informàtic i llicenciat en Internaional Business Economics, ambdues per la Universitat Pompeu Fabra de Barcelona. Ha estudiat i treballat a l’estranger (Regne Unit).



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